Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tremendous Day Twenty

girlonhaybalesfield.jpg image by emzylouwoo

Hello World,
We are already at day twenty...I can't believe it! Just yesterday was day one...OK OK, maybe 19 yesterdays ago was day one. I am loving this thirty day challenge. I am starting to notice that once you begin purging in one area of your life, it seems to happen in many areas of your life. It started by getting rid of unhealthy foods and drinks that no longer serve me and spilled over into clutter at home and even into relationships. After I realized I was purging in a lot of ways I decided it was great and I am going with it. I am consciously removing things from my life that no longer serve me. It is so interesting how we cling to things, even when they aren't good for us or even hurt us. I recently got rid of half of my belongings. I had mounds of clothes and just random stuff that I was convinced I couldn't live without...but guess heart still beats strong! That stuff didn't bring anything to my life. If anything, it was a hassle to lug around and a waste of space; not to mention it was stuff that could be useful to someone else's life. It was doing nothing other than being a burden to me. Letting go of relationships that no longer serve me is simple and so hard at the same time. I am a ridiculous optimist. I think people are amazing and are capable of choosing a loving path, but just because I believe that doesn't mean they are ready to do it. That's what makes letting go so hard for me. I can see such amazing potential even when the reality is something entirely different and hurtful. That is no longer serving me. I am ready to have only loving, inspiring, and healthy relationships in my life. I am done clinging to hurt, its a waste of space in my life that will be filled with love instead <3 Time to make some room and create some possibilities!!
P.S. I love you or out of my life :)

"There is nothing, ever, worth being unhappy about. Because no matter what happens, it will add to you, you'll still live forever, and our love affair will remain tabloid fodder in realms far, far away". Thank you, The Universe

Monday, December 7, 2009

Thoughtful Day 10*NlYANa6KRyZu/Lovemyshapelogoberrysquare.jpg

Hello Friends! I wanted to let you know that today is the first day of the rest of my life.... I'm so excited about this because I woke up just recently...Life tapped me on the shoulder and said hi I'm here what about me! and you know what I realized when I took a long look at my life I wasn't in it at all...I know this sounds so strange and hard to understand, which is why I really had to go to overstanding instead of understanding what was happening...In my amazing life, by the way I own my own awesome coffee shop which really aka is an adult club house for my friends, I do catering of my luv bake goods, I run a household for myself and my amazing boyfriend Clayton... I cook, clean, shop and love, I take care of my mom who is very sick and even with the help of my father, siblings and amazing friends it's still so completely draining, I also am the den mom of our community and that's just the tip of the list could go on and on no complaints just facts... So when I woke up and realized Vallie you don't feel good my weight is up, I don't sleep, I don't eat right, I drink to much coffee, I don't drink enough water, I'm not active....I felt sad....I guess even though I have this amazing life I don't feel like I fit in...Well not anymore! How can I be committed to my family, friends, community, customers etc. when I can't even be committed to me!!!!! So I committed to myself to this 30 day challenge for me....Our bodies are our temples and guess what my peoples, mine evicted me...Because I'm not treating it well! I started the sunrider products and I feel great! I feel amazing I'm on day 10 and can't wait for tomorrow... My body is my life force so I'm trying to achieve balance with proper cleansing, hydration and nourishment....I'm so blessed to have this amazing life and with all the love, support and encouragement from all of you including myself. I'm up for the challenge for Vallie....Be Love People till I Blog again.....hahaha

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Great day eight!!!

Hello Beautiful World,

I am in love with being love to my body. It feels really good! Today I noticed I haven't had soda in 8 days and I didn't even notice....which isn't like me. Normally when I try to stop drinking soda I feel terrible...bad caffeine headaches. I think it must be the yummy food I am eating because it is the only thing different and I didn't get any headaches...yay! Activities over the past few days have included poi spinning, hooping, walking, lifting Christmas trees, spinning in circles, oh and contact dancing with Vallie, and doing a jig to keep from peeing my pants because of laughing to hard.
I have been talking a lot about how great eating good foods and being more active is, but I don't want to give the impression that it has been without challenges. Earlier this week was particularly challenging for me. I was heart woken, as a dear friend likes to say, instead of heart broken. I think its a great description because nothing is broken. My heart is beating just fine, still just as capable of loving, actually it feels full of love. Being heart woken just keeps me very present to this experience...feeling it all and being very aware. Being committed to being love to my body during this time helped me recognize some patterns I seem to follow during an upset. I noticed my first reaction after being heart woken is to stop eating. Initially my stomach is just to knotted up to eat but even after hunger returns my reaction is to withhold nourishment from my body. I think its because when I feel like everything in my life is spinning, shifting, and evolving...eating is something I have control over. It is so easy for me to take that to a really unhealthy place. So the challenge for me this week was to keep matter what is happening just keep loving. I think in doing so I shifted something in my life. I'm not that girl that hurts herself because someone else has hurt her. I'm the girl that loves...herself, her life, her friends & family, and her body :)
I'm actually really excited about my life at the moment. It seems like everything is moving out of the way, which leaves me with infinite possibilities. I can create anything in my life and that excites me! I'm happy that one of the things I am creating is a healthier me. Which brings me to another commitment I have been afraid to declare out loud...but no more. I am going to quite smoking before the end of this 30 day challenge! A friend of mine told me she was inspired by this blog and was going to quite smoking and I thought "damn, that means i have to quit too".
I can't fully be loving my body and be smoking...I just wasn't willing to admit that out loud before and I think I was afraid to fail. I'm still a bit nervous about it but excited to be free at the same time. I'm going to use the momentum of the energy of change flowing through my life. I'm leaning full force into the discomfort...pushing through into something new, unknown, and perfect in every way.

What would love Whats the weather Whats 5 No matter the is the answer-- Thanks Jon Marro

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lovely Day Two

Hello World!!!!
Today is lovely day 2 of our commitment to being love to our bodies. My day started with good breakfast and good friends at my favorite meeting place...Jitters. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the show Cheers and I'm Norm when I walk into that place; except my name is Mandi and I am not at a bar, and I'm not a mailman, I'm not even a man....but other than that it feels like Cheers.
Anyway, after breakfast I decided to head out to my activity of the day....wait for it....wait for it......Ecstatic Dance Church!! So fun, right. Well on my way there I was rear ended by a woman who said she was in a rush to get to church. I smiled and said "me too, dance church". She just looked at me funny and walked back to her car. No worries though, my car and me are ok. I am just a bit soar. It did leave me wondering about being hit though; what can I take from this situation? Life definitely comes at you from all sides...and most of the time we don't see it coming.
Dance Church was 2 hours of dancing/hooping fun. It was great to be in a space with people of all ages moving around freely and creatively! I am sure I will go back. By the way, it has nothing to do with church. I think they just call it that because it is on Sunday.
As far as food goes, my belly has been filled with more whole foods, detoxing teas, and balancing herbs. I feel great, except I am a little hungry.
Dinner time
Bye for now World

It's kind of fun to do the impossible. - Walt Disney

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Beginning.....

Welcome to our (Mandi and Vallie's) blog. We have committed to "being love" to ourselves as well as the world and this is where you can read about our transformational journey.

We both realized that we can't truly be love to ourselves without loving and nourishing our bodies. So, we decided to do a 30 day challenge that includes eating some very special whole foods, doing different physical activities everyday, and writing about the process.

Today was day uno. We are both really excited, as would be expected at the beginning of any journey. I said no to soda today and YES to the yummy goodness of whole foods!!! So far I'm not freaking

Activity of the day: A crazy friend made me reenact Beyonce's "single ladies" dance....ok, that might not be entirely true. The real activity of the day was spackeling and sanding many walls and hooping :)
Stay tuned for Vallie's wonderful day.

Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand-and melting like a snowflake... - Marie Beyon Ray